I buy things and I keep them clean.
I take care of them.
Keep them in a special pocket.
Away from keys and coins.
Away from other things that should be kept clean and taken care of as well.
Then they get scratched.
And scratched again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Soon, I don't care about them anymore.
I don't keep them in a special pocket.
I throw them in the bag with everything else.
They've surpassed their form and become nothing but function.
People are like that.
I meet them and keep them clean. In a special pocket.
And then I start to scratch them.
Not on purpose.
Sometimes I just drop them by accident or forget which pocket they're in.
But after the first scratch, it's all downhill from there.
I see past their form.
They become function.
They are a purpose.
Only their essence remains.
Cred ca s-a strecurat o greseala in comparatia ta. Daca obiectele se pot zgaria, oamenii nu. Noi doar dobandim urme in urma interactiunii cu ei. Unii lasa urme adanci, altii superficiale. Unii devin utili, altii devin mituri - indiferent insa de ceea ce lasa in urma, urmele la noi raman.
RăspundețiȘtergereSi urmele de unde apar? Nu in urma unei zgarieturi? Si o rara piesa de mobilier este mai valoroasa cu cat are mai multa "personalitate" data intamplator sau nu, de urmele zgariate pe ea de catre toti cei care au trecut pe acolo.