But somewhere, there is a beach that time cannot reach. Where everyone and everything has always been and never was. And perhaps, you are there waiting for me.
luni, 18 octombrie 2010
Stars at midnight
joi, 14 octombrie 2010
My knots and ties...in the process...
Starting the process of untying myself.
Getting rid of the knots.
Forgive my father.
Forgive my mother.
Forgive my brother.
Forgive my forefathers.
Forgive my unborn child.
Forgive my lover.
Forgive my teachers.
Forgive my heroes.
Forgive those who gave too little.
Forgive those who are slow.
Forgive working late.
Forgive the unpatient.
Forgive those who have wronged me.
Forgive those who will wrong me.
Getting rid of the knots.
Forgive my father.
Forgive my mother.
Forgive my brother.
Forgive my forefathers.
Forgive my unborn child.
Forgive my lover.
Forgive my teachers.
Forgive my heroes.
Forgive those who gave too little.
Forgive those who are slow.
Forgive working late.
Forgive the unpatient.
Forgive those who have wronged me.
Forgive those who will wrong me.
The last knot is always the hardest. It’s also the most important.
Forgiving myself.
And then I shall be free...free to be ME!
joi, 7 octombrie 2010
Good enough for love
As I try to write this my emotional shield keeps turning on to stop the words from flowing on the paper… This is definitely not in my comfort zone limits but what the heck..
I spent a lifetime trying to get people to love me, trying to be perfect for them, giving everything so that they will be happy.
I hated myself for not being what they expected of me. I felt useless and helpless seeing I can’t match their expectations. It seemed whatever I did it was not good enough. But then again it never is, is it?
Every criticism turned into a dagger slashing my heart as my mind kept flashing the sign:
But I was good enough for GOD since He/She created me this way. I must be good enough, right?
We are all good enough, I don’t care what you did or what you did not do. I don’t care if you can’t read or write, it’s not about skills and abilities, it’s not about how many languages you can speak or how many hours you can run on a treadmill.
It’s all about love, respect and appreciation.
It’s funny how each belief that you hold seems to be reflected at you by the people around you, how you manage to sabotage yourself just before getting that job you always wanted or the relationship of your dreams.
The same way you manage to hurt the people who care about you so that your mind can say once again:“See I was right, you are not good enough”
Even so there are always people who love you for who you are, who appreciate and value you without expecting you to change or be better or just different.They are God's gift to us to remind us that he loves us no matter what!
True love is non-controlling and non-directive. We know this instinctively and we keep seeking it…
Loving yourself it’s a hard lesson to learn. Accepting your flaws and your shortcomings with the same love you embrace your qualities…
You will reach a point where you don’t see flaws in other people anymore, you see the light that shines from within, you see the untapped power lurking beneath the surface. You don’t see them as being mean and aggressive anymore, you see the pain they are trying to hide, you see their longing for love and the childish manner in which they are trying to get it.
I am what I am and if it’s good enough for God, it must be good enough for me and everyone else.
I spent a lifetime trying to get people to love me, trying to be perfect for them, giving everything so that they will be happy.
I hated myself for not being what they expected of me. I felt useless and helpless seeing I can’t match their expectations. It seemed whatever I did it was not good enough. But then again it never is, is it?
Every criticism turned into a dagger slashing my heart as my mind kept flashing the sign:
But I was good enough for GOD since He/She created me this way. I must be good enough, right?
We are all good enough, I don’t care what you did or what you did not do. I don’t care if you can’t read or write, it’s not about skills and abilities, it’s not about how many languages you can speak or how many hours you can run on a treadmill.
It’s all about love, respect and appreciation.
It’s funny how each belief that you hold seems to be reflected at you by the people around you, how you manage to sabotage yourself just before getting that job you always wanted or the relationship of your dreams.
The same way you manage to hurt the people who care about you so that your mind can say once again:“See I was right, you are not good enough”
Even so there are always people who love you for who you are, who appreciate and value you without expecting you to change or be better or just different.They are God's gift to us to remind us that he loves us no matter what!
True love is non-controlling and non-directive. We know this instinctively and we keep seeking it…
Loving yourself it’s a hard lesson to learn. Accepting your flaws and your shortcomings with the same love you embrace your qualities…
You will reach a point where you don’t see flaws in other people anymore, you see the light that shines from within, you see the untapped power lurking beneath the surface. You don’t see them as being mean and aggressive anymore, you see the pain they are trying to hide, you see their longing for love and the childish manner in which they are trying to get it.
I am what I am and if it’s good enough for God, it must be good enough for me and everyone else.
If I could ever tell you...
Did I ever tell you that humans have wings?
Did I ever mention that their souls are white
As the canvas you see in the shop,
Yet black as the moonless night sky?
But there is something there...
Before it's even purchased
The canvas is meant for the painter to paint,
The sky has been filled with milky way stars...
It's always been there
Though you could not see it...
It's always been felt though you could not feel it
It's time that shifts our point of view
It's time that shapes the blocks of stone...
So I am here, and you are far...
Yet turning just a nudge the hands of time
And I can hear your whispers in my hair,
I can feel the tears on your face,
Your fingertips barely touching my skin,
Our bodies moving to the beats of the same heart...
All of these already happened...
This buzzing warmth inside of me
Just tells me that some things are meant to be.
Did I ever mention that their souls are white
As the canvas you see in the shop,
Yet black as the moonless night sky?
But there is something there...
Before it's even purchased
The canvas is meant for the painter to paint,
The sky has been filled with milky way stars...
It's always been there
Though you could not see it...
It's always been felt though you could not feel it
It's time that shifts our point of view
It's time that shapes the blocks of stone...
So I am here, and you are far...
Yet turning just a nudge the hands of time
And I can hear your whispers in my hair,
I can feel the tears on your face,
Your fingertips barely touching my skin,
Our bodies moving to the beats of the same heart...
All of these already happened...
This buzzing warmth inside of me
Just tells me that some things are meant to be.
Being a woman...
For me being a woman means being the moon in a men's life. Shining steadily on his life sky, sometimes hidden by the power of the sun, she is waiting patiently for her time to shine... and have no doubt, it always does :)
She is always there to soothe and heal the wounds of the hero, for part of her has always been a shaman of wellness, may it be through words, touch, intoxicating passion or a warm homespun bowl of soup. For being a woman is mostly about love, a love that knows no limits, a love as deep and as wide as the ocean, a never-ending, everlasting love...
Tolerance and respect for every living being is something that should blossom in the soul of every woman... for she is the spring of life and therefore she understands that which every mother feels no matter what colour or creed her child is bearing.
A woman knows that everything she desires starts inside her soul, she knows to respect herself first so that others will do so too, she knows herself so that in doing so she may know others.
She protects what needs protecting and offers unlimited freedom to the birds that need to fly. She has a smile that can melt the coldest ice and arms so wide that you can fit the whole world at her bosom. Her tears are worth more than diamonds and, be it for joy or sadness, the colours of her soul are always reflected in them.
But most of all a woman is herself... undefined by social or cultural expectations, she trusts her instinct to do and be what she is.
She is always there to soothe and heal the wounds of the hero, for part of her has always been a shaman of wellness, may it be through words, touch, intoxicating passion or a warm homespun bowl of soup. For being a woman is mostly about love, a love that knows no limits, a love as deep and as wide as the ocean, a never-ending, everlasting love...
Tolerance and respect for every living being is something that should blossom in the soul of every woman... for she is the spring of life and therefore she understands that which every mother feels no matter what colour or creed her child is bearing.
A woman knows that everything she desires starts inside her soul, she knows to respect herself first so that others will do so too, she knows herself so that in doing so she may know others.
She protects what needs protecting and offers unlimited freedom to the birds that need to fly. She has a smile that can melt the coldest ice and arms so wide that you can fit the whole world at her bosom. Her tears are worth more than diamonds and, be it for joy or sadness, the colours of her soul are always reflected in them.
But most of all a woman is herself... undefined by social or cultural expectations, she trusts her instinct to do and be what she is.
marți, 5 octombrie 2010
Made of...
Maybe I come from dust. And maybe the air and the lights and the world will one day tear me apart and to dust, I will return. But if you ever see me again, in this life or the next, there will be enough of me left, to become a rock.
Or something, at least, that you can lean on.
Or something, at least, that you can lean on.
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